Meditation Techniques
The Taittirya Upanishad gives a good roadmap in which we can employ various techniques, specifically to understand the Panchakoshas (5 layers), the five subtle planes of existence in our divinized journey.
In Yogic terminology human form has several layers or Koshas. Starting from Annamaya Kosha (physical body), Pranamaya kosha- Pranic or the life force, Manonmaya Kosha- Emotional/mental layer, Vijnana Maya Kosha- Knowledege/Wisdom layer, Anandamaya Kosha- Blissful layer of cosmic consciousness. As we pierce through each layer we are guided to the final state of Bliss and we are able to have a multi dimensional & holographic connection to our presence. This process is called Yoga Nidra.
A Sadhaka (spiritual student) on the path to Self Realization needs to look at the techniques that they resonate with. For some it might be just doing Asana practice to be in touch with the body. As one gets in touch with movement and breath they are able to release some stuck energies and therefore feel good. Just being consistent and having an everyday practice is important. Once you are connected with the body and are in tune with it you will start seeing the sensitivity to food. Some foods give you energy and others make you dull and lethargic. For me this is the first step to Self Realization and that is taking care of the body and food you eat. Annamaya kosha (physical body) - matter that you are in form - needs to be addressed first.Â
The second step is to have a relationship to Breath. Without breath there is no life. We take breath for granted and we have been given a savings account of breath and by not paying attention to it we are reducing the quality of life and depleting the life energy over time and therefore diseases arise because there is not enough Prana Shakti (life force energy) to move the energy. Pranayama (Breath) exercises everyday is an important practice. First begin by understanding your inhalation and exhalation. Do you take in more breath than you release or the other way. Check is your breath is deep or shallow. Then everyday start working with the breath keeping the inhale and exhale counts even and increasing the number of rounds. Once you have this basic practice then you can go deeper to various pranayama (breath) techniques and be in touch with the Pranamaya Kosha (Breath layer of the body)
Next step would be to understand the energy centers- Chakras, whirling pools of psycho-spiritual energy that embody key parts of the nervous system and thus impact the Manomaya kosha (mentl/emotional body) of the mind. Once cleansed of their blockages these become abodes for the Divne guidance, aspects of our future self that beckon us into a glorious future provided we have the clarity to communicate with them
As we get firmly on the path deeper insights start to dawn from the Vigyanamaya Kosha (Intelligence). These could be messages, gut feelings, even dreams. There is indeed deep wisdom in this aspect of our Self which can be harnessed with some core yogic practices.
Eventually, of course, we come to state of bliss in the Anandamaya Kosha (Bliss Body), and initially it is but occasional. As others around us also experience it in our field, it gradually becomes a permanent state of being and call down the Avatar effect, that glorious moment when all humanity is awakened.